Children's Religious Education K-6th

Religious Education Classes

A Family Centered Sacrament Program

Long before your children were old enough for school or any formal religion program, they were already beginning to grow in faith. They had already been living and growing in the midst of a community of faith—your family.

The Church views your role a parents in the religious formation of your children as both a privilege and an obligation. When you presented your child to the Church for Baptism, you were distinctly reminded that you have the responsibility of training your child in the practice of the faith. This obligation and privilege extends to sacrament preparation.

The Sacrament Preparation Program of Sacred Heart focuses not only on the child by the parents and the whole family. As children approach the time for sacrament preparation they are in the early stages of their spiritual journey. Our program is rooted in solid sacramental theology, includes the elements of ritual, prayer, Scripture, doctrine, and reflection, and is centered in community, which “lives, celebrates and witnesses to the faith”.

As we at Sacred Heart Parish begin a new process of religious education with the Generations of Living Faith our Sacrament Program for those children preparing for First Reconciliation and Eucharist will continue with parent classes beginning in October. The classes will focus on many aspects of the Catholic faith that will help them and their family when they prepare their child for the sacraments. If you are a parent of a second grader or older who has not yet received First Reconciliation or Eucharist please call the parish office.

Children’s Religious Education

Ministry with Children at Sacred Heart Parish provides opportunities for children to participate in the life of the parish through education, and formation. Our role is to support the family in your children’s faith process by helping them celebrate their faith and applying its teachings in their lives. Children in grades K-6 may attend instruction Sunday mornings from October thru May.

Liturgy of the Word

Liturgy of the Word takes place every Sunday at the 11am Mass, from October to May . Elementary age children are sent forth after the opening prayer to listen and reflect on the Word, which is proclaimed in a language they understand. The children return to the main assembly during the collection and in time for the Eucharistic Prayer.


The preparation for First Reconciliation and Eucharist is taught in second grade or older. It is recommended that the child have one year of Religious Education prior to entering this program and continue with Faith Formation throughout their life. The sacramental preparation is parish wide ~ the children receive some formal instruction in Religious Education classes on Sunday morning or in the parish school and in addition, with the help of the parish, the parents are prepared to also instruct the children at home. There are parent classes that are required and held in the evenings or by appointment.

OCIC (formally RCIC) - The Order of Christian Initiation for Children

If your child is not baptized, Sacred Heart parish has separate instructions with a variety of experiences that encourage the children in their understanding of the faith . This gives them a deeper awareness of Jesus in their lives. Classes are set up by appointment.

Vacation Bible School

 It's a week-long event where kids learn about the Bible, sing songs, play games, and make crafts. VBS is the best week of the year!

 Please contact Debbie Fischer for more information at 208-344-8311.


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