Music and Liturgy

Welcome to the Ministry of Liturgical Arts

At Sacred Heart we offer several ministries emphasizing quality liturgy, music and arts which highlight the dynamics of our faith. We happily encourage anyone to participate.

Our Saturday 5pm Mass is led by a cantor and pianist. 

Our Sunday 8:30am Mass is led by a cantor, pianist and/or organist. 

Our Sunday 11am Mass is our choral mass and is led by a cantor and choir, pianist/organist and various solo instruments. Our choir is a non-audition choir, and all who share a love of singing are invited to join. From September through May, choir rehearsals will be held on Sunday mornings at 10am. It has been a long-standing tradition in the Sacred Heart community that the 11am mass is also our Family Mass. We celebrate children of all ages, emphasizing the great work of our Sacred Heart school community. 


Johannus D-477 Digital Pipe Organ
The parish was gifted a beautiful new organ by an extremely generous parishioner in celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the dedication of the church (2023).
Additional piping was also added during the installation. Connection to the pipes is planned in the future.

Select the link below to watch a demo of this amazing organ played by our former Music Director, Stacy Piontek.

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