Christian Healing Prayer Ministry

Sacred Heart Christian Healing Prayer Ministry is available to those who are seeking physical, emotional or spiritual healing. Two members of the Healing Prayer team meet with individuals by appointment or during special healing prayer services.

A Mass for Healing is usually offered the 2nd Thursday of each month (8:30 am Mass). Check the parish calendar each month to confirm date.

"Sharing the journey towards healing of body, mind, and spirit."

If you would like prayer or if you are interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact: 

Gail Vincent at or call the Parish Office at 208-344-8311.

Healing is a gift from God. It is evident throughout the Bible, particularly in Jesus’ ministry and the ministry of His disciples. The numbers of people who were healed by Jesus during His ministry on earth is astounding. When He sent out His disciples to further His ministry, He “gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick” (Luke 9:1-2). This gift of healing is a 2000 year old treasure of the Catholic Church that has been forgotten and ignored for many centuries but is once more being rejuvenated in the Church. Jesus’ commandment to His disciples is still very relative to Christians today, and the gift of healing is very much available to those who will simply ask God.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Sacred Heart Healing Prayer Ministry is to serve in a supportive role for those in need of healing prayer, to walk with them as companions on the journey toward physical, emotional, relational and spiritual healing through prayer. As ministers, we follow two very simple guidelines:

We do not have any answers…only God knows why, when and how healing occurs.

We can’t heal anybody…it is God alone who heals. We serve only as His instruments of healing in whatever manner He chooses to use us.

Our Qualifications

The Sacred Heart Healing Prayer Ministry Team consists of members who have completed several combined years of structured course study offered through the Institute of Christian Ministries (ICM) and continued study with Christian Healing Ministries (CHM). The prayer ministers have dedicated themselves to ongoing and continuous training in various other methods of healing prayer ministry as well. Each team member has carefully and prayerfully discerned their individual charisms and gifts that have led them to healing prayer ministry and they are committed to serving the needs of anyone who seeks healing prayer in accordance with their training and established ministry parameters. Healing Prayer Team Ministers also remain involved in their own faith formation and personal healing through prayer, study, classes, workshops, conferences and continuous discernment.

What We Do

Members of the Sacred Heart Healing Prayer Ministry Team are available to meet with, to listen, and to pray for and with individuals who request healing prayer. Healing Prayer Ministers are also available to provide follow-up and on-going support as needed for those who have participated in healing prayer sessions. Requests for prayer can be made following Sunday Masses, at Healing Masses that occur throughout the year, or scheduled at any time.


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