
Consultative Groups

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee advises the Pastor/Parish Life Director and the Pastoral Council on the stewardship of the parish’s financial resources. The Finance Committee manages the budget process for all parish programs and prepares the budget in collaboration with the Pastor/Parish Life Director and Pastoral Council to ensure consistency with the parish goals.

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is the primary consultative body to the Pastor/Parish Life Director. In this capacity the Council is responsible to represent the interests of the larger parish community; provide recommendations for direction, priorities and policies through pastoral planning; and promote communication and understanding within the parish. Consultation with parish members, leadership, and the parish team by the Council is essential to the integrity of the process.


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration is an opportunity to deepen one’s prayer life by spending time before the Blessed Sacrament. The current hours of adoration are: Mondays, 7:30 am - 5 pm (Benediction at 4:45 pm); First Friday/Saturday of each month (Friday 9 am-Saturday 4:45 pm) and Forty Hours Devotion – twice a year (Lent & Advent).

Christian Healing Prayer Ministry

Christian Healing Prayer Ministry is available to those who are seeking physical, emotional or spiritual healing. Two or three members of the Christian Healing Prayer team meet with individuals by appointment or during special healing prayer services.

Prayer Network (via Email)

Prayer Chain provides an opportunity to request prayers, as well as to pray for those who have special needs or requests.


Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary continues the ministry of Jesus as they gather in prayer, reaching out to shut-ins, the unchurched, and to others who request their visits.


Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the celebrant during Masses, weddings, funerals, and other liturgical events. They must be in the 4th grade or above. Training is scheduled periodically throughout the year. Adults are also encouraged to become servers. 

Altar Society

This group coordinates the following needs of the parish:

~ Art and Environment - altar/sanctuary decorations, vestments, and Narthex displays that reflect the various liturgical events of the year

~ Cleaning of Linens and Vestments - involves washing and ironing altar linens, purificators, altar server robes, and the dry cleaning of the priests’ and deacons’ vestments

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

These extraordinary ministers help distribute Eucharist at the weekend liturgies. They need to be prayerful, hospitable, well-trained, and have a deep appreciation and reverence for the Eucharist.


Greeters arrive 20 minutes before the liturgies begin. Greeters welcome all those coming to worship at each of the four weekend liturgies. They need to be mindful of parish activities so as to answer questions for newcomers and visitors.


Lectors proclaim the first and second readings at Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies. These well-trained people of prayer and Scripture study prepare and reflect upon the readings before proclaiming them at the liturgy.

Outreach Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

These extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist take communion to those who are hospitalized, home-bound, or in retirements homes or centers. They visit and pray with individuals for strength and healing. Training is available.


Sacristans prepare the chapel or the church for the celebration of the liturgy. They care for and deal with the sacred objects and books used during the liturgy. They also work with the liturgical ministers, giving guidance and instruction as needed.


Ushers help create a welcoming environment at Mass as they assist those who need some extra assistance or help those who are in need of seating. They are also responsible for taking up the collection and assisting with logistics at special liturgies.



The role of the musicians is to lead the assembly in prayer by fostering and nourishing their faith through song and music.

Bell Choir (Not currently active)

Our Bell Choir includes teens and adults. The Bell Choir participates in Sunday liturgies, special occasions and community events. This ministry is seeking leadership.


The Cantor learns and understands the Roman Rites so as to effectively lead the assembly through the spoken and sung response to God’s Word. He or she facilitates comfort for members and visitors alike, and is trusted by worshipers to guide them through full and confident participation of our liturgies.


The choir sings during the 11 am Sunday Mass. All levels of singers are welcome.

Faith Formation—Intergenerational

Library (Librarians)

The Library provides reference materials, books, audio, and video tapes to parishioners on Sundays and by appointment. Librarians check books in and out, maintain the library space and book collection.

Fun with a side of Faith

Each month our parish community  has an event for everyone to participate in.  The event starts with dinner followed by prayer, catecistis and an activity.

Sponsors for Sacraments

A sponsor is a member of the parish community, a mature, confirmed, and practicing Catholic who guides and mentors the adult, youth, or child receiving the Sacraments of Baptism and/or Confirmation. The Sponsor attends all required classes, retreats, and rites; the sponsor journeys with the candidate as a friend and companion.

Faith Formation for Adults

Adult Initiation (OCIA)

Adult Initiation (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) provides a process for those seeking to join the Catholic community. Opportunities are available for them to explore the Church, its teachings and traditions, and experience life in the parish community

Faith Formation for Youth

Youth Faith Formation

Youth ministry fosters the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person. It draws young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Church. It empowers young people to become disciples of Jesus Christ who witness to their faith by living and working for justice, peace and human dignity. Youth Night is held on Wednesday evenings for grades 6-12. Breakout sessions during the evening for Junior High students (grades 6-8) and High School students (grades 9-12).

Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation preparation provides catechesis for youth grades 9-12 who are preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. It takes place in the context of in-home small group faith sharing and large group experiences, such as retreats and service projects.

OCIA for Teens

OCIA for Teens is for youth who have not been baptized. This process provides them opportunities to understand and experience the church and the Catholic faith, and gain a deeper awareness of Jesus in their lives as they prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

Faith Formation for Children

Children’s Religious Education

The parish offers faith formation classes to children K-6 each Sunday morning from 9:40-10:45 am. Parents and other adults are trained as catechists (teachers and aides) to pass on the teaching and tradition of the Catholic faith.

First Eucharist/Reconciliation Preparation

The purpose of First Eucharist and First Reconciliation preparation programs are to instruct the children and their families in the sacraments and how we live them out on a daily basis.

Liturgy of the Word

Liturgy of the Word assists children in listening, reflecting, and understanding the Sunday readings, which are proclaimed using the language they understand. The children are dismissed during the 11:00 am liturgy prior to the readings and rejoin the community for the Profession of Faith.

Order of Christian Initiation of Children (OCIC)

OCIC is for children who have not been baptized. This process provides opportunities for children to understand and experience the church and the Catholic faith, and gain a deeper awareness of Jesus in their lives as they prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is offered one week during the summer where children and adults experience Jesus and their Catholic faith through song, crafts, drama, scripture stories, and snacks.

School Organizations

Athletic Committee/Hallissey Tournament

The Athletic Committee organizes and coordinates the Hallissey Invitational Basketball Tournament held annually, including the Mass and other events surrounding the tournament.

Catholic Schools Foundation of the Sacred Heart

The Catholic Schools Foundation provides funds for Sacred Heart School for special projects, grants, scholarships, subsidies, and tuition for students who desire a Catholic education but are unable to afford one.

Home and School Association

The Home and School Association provides support and encouragement to the students, staff, and families of Sacred Heart School by sponsoring various activities and celebrations throughout the school year. All parents/grandparents are automatically members of this association.

Sacred Heart Advisory Board

The Sacred Heart Advisory Board is a consultative board to the Principal and Pastor/Parish Life Director. Its responsibilities include marketing, as well as developing and evaluating school policies and goals including the formulation of future plans for the school. It is also responsible for developing various means to finance the school.

Community Life & Hospitality

Buildings & Grounds Maintenance

Maintenance needs around the church and school consist of a variety of projects and time commitments. Some of the projects are weeding, planting, or pruning of the vegetation around the buildings. Preparation and painting inside or outside is occasionally required. Plumbing or electrical expertise is sometimes needed.

Catholic Single Seniors

Faith-Social-Friendship. If you are a senior single please contact the parish office to join us. No commitment, no cost, meet new friends and have a social contact in your life you may not have had before. God wants you to enjoy life, so come and join us.


Cloud Nine

Cloud 9 is a ministry that collects new and gently used First Communion dresses, veils, etc. for children who might not otherwise have resources for purchasing them. Items are collected throughout the year and given each year on a special “shopping day”.

Community Connections (Formerly In-Touch)

Callers contact 25-30 families each quarter to keep in-touch, to determine needs, to share information, and to refer helpers to various ministries.

Hospitality—Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour after the Sunday liturgies provide parishioners with an opportunity to socialize and to welcome new parishioners. Servers prepare, serve, and clean-up after each hour.

Knights of Columbus

The Sacred Heart Council of Knights of Columbus is dedicated to education and charity. The Council seeks to be a spiritual force for the renewal of the Church in holiness, unity, and truth. They strive to create a sense of community as they work for the good of the parish.

Ladies of Sacred Heart (LSH)

Ladies of Sacred Heart is a service organization that provides service to our parish and parishioners through preparing and serving dinners for families and friends after funeral services, and supports our church by providing funds toward altar cleaning, candles and environment. Through fund raising efforts LSH also support education by granting two scholarships to Sacred Heart students attending Bishop Kelly High School and by donating to Birthright.

Ministry to the Homebound

Ministers visit those in the parish community who are shut-in due to illness, surgery, disability, age, etc. or those who are in need of companionship. From the visit made by the Homebound minister, coordination and referral can be made to other ministries within the parish.

Parish Festival

Each year the parish celebrates its feast day on or around the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Usually held in June on the Saturday closest to the holy day, the festival brings the entire parish together for a meal, games, and entertainment.

Parish Health Ministry

Registered nurses trained in Faith Community Nursing, and other health care professionals provide health related services to maintain physical health and to support individuals and families with acute/chronic illnesses and life transitions. Services provided include assessment, education, active listening, home visits, prayer, advocacy, and referrals.

Pray It Forward

Parishioners volunteer their talents, occupational skills, and knowledge to those in the parish who are in need of help with minor repairs, household chores, instructions or other services with the understanding that those who receive will offer their talent or skill to another person in need within the community.

Short Timers

For those 80+ years who want to share their wisdom and be in control of this last chapter of life.

Social Justice & Outreach to the Community

Bench Community Supper

Parishioners coordinate, prepare and serve a hot meal each second Friday evening of the month and invites and welcomes everyone in the local community. This ecumenical project collaborates with other Bench area churches.

DOERS (Dominican Overseas Education & Relief Society)

DOERS is a committee of the Third Order of St. Dominic, Inc., who focuses on education and poverty reduction strategies in foreign countries centered around maternal and child health, that children may live healthy and strong lives and grow to build strong communities.

Respect Life

The Respect Life Committee gives special emphasis to the pro-life teachings of the Church by educating the parish on topics such as abortion, cloning, euthanasia, and capital punishment.

Story Link

This ministry provides inmates in the Idaho prison system with the opportunity to read and record a story from a new book and have the book and recording sent to their child(ren). The ministry needs volunteers along with donations to cover the cost of books and postage. Volunteers receive training and orientation through the Idaho Department of Corrections.

St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul members provide a variety of services to those in need. St. Vincent de Paul Center located at 3209 Overland Rd. provides a food pantry, free medication for those who qualify, a dining room and educational classrooms. Other activities and services include:  

  - Helpline & Home Visits:  Members coordinate calls coming in city wide from those with various needs. From these calls, members arrange home visits assisting families with rent, utilities, food and other needs. Through referrals & networking with other churches and organizations those less fortunate are served.

   - Thanksgiving Food Boxes:  Members, with the help of parishioners, oversee and coordinate the signing-up of those in need, as well as collecting food, packing, distributing and some delivering of food boxes to families during the Thanksgiving Holiday. 


Catholic Charities (

Catholic Charities of Idaho is a non-profit organization providing social services and working for social justice. The agency prioritizes volunteerism and collaborative endeavors with other organizations and Catholic parishes.

Catholic & Single Together (

CAST provides friendship, faith formation, social interaction, community activities, grief and divorce support and recovery to like minded mid-life Catholics ages 30+.

Catholic Engaged Encounter (

Engaged Encounter provides couples who are preparing for marriage, a weekend experience to help them become aware of the many facets of a sacramental marriage.

Corpus Commons  (

Corpus Commons is a day center for the homeless, where guests can shower, do their laundry, use the Internet, and find shelter from the summer heat and winter cold. Volunteers typically help manage the house for half-day shifts once a week. Monthly staff meetings provide fellowship and mutual support for volunteers.

Diocesan Prison Ministry (

The Boise Catholic Prison and Jail Ministers visit men and women in prison, teach Bible classes offer retreats, and minister the Eucharist.

Grief Share (

Grief Share is a support group that meets weekly.  Visit the website to find current groups and meeting times.

Interfaith Sanctuary (

Interfaith Sanctuary is a collaboration of people of faith and people of conscience who have joined together to shelter and serve individuals experiencing homelessness.

Marriage Encounter (

Couples spend a weekend rediscovering the joy, intimacy and romance in their relationships.

Rachel Project (

The Rachel project offers support, counseling, and referral to both men and women affected by abortion.

Retrouvaille (

The program offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship and to provide help for couples who live in the disappointment and pain of marriage problems.

FirePit Young Adult Ministry (

FirePit Ministry engages adults between 21 and 35, married and single, and helps them to embrace the good news of Jesus Christ, the Church, and each other through spiritual, social and service events and opportunities.

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