Outreach Eucharistic Ministry

Ministry to the Sick / Home-bound

  • A parish is to have sufficient ministers trained and prepared for the Ministry of Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, whose responsibility is not only for the assistance in the distribution of the Eucharist at every regularly scheduled weekend Mass, daily Mass and Masses offered during the Christmas and Easter Season but to home-bound parishioners and those in hospitals and nursing centers as well.
  • Eucharistic Ministers may be called upon to bring Eucharist to temporarily home-bound parishioners who may be, temporarily, unable to participate, in the Parish liturgical celebrations, due to illness or hospital recuperation. The Coordinator of Outreach Eucharistic Ministers assigns Eucharistic Ministers to bring Eucharist in these situations.
  • The Blessed Sacrament is conveyed in a small closed container called a pyx. When bringing Eucharist to a home-bound parishioner, bring the pyx with you to Communion to have the minister place a host(s) in it.
  • When carrying the Blessed Sacrament, be careful to place it in a safe spot. You may place the pyx in a small cloth bag and wear it around your neck or you may put it in your pocket, or pocketbook. If you do that, you should be careful to place it alone, rather than in a cluttered area. Do not leave it unattended. You should go directly after Mass to the person (s) to whom you will be bringing communion and not let other activities distract you from your ministry, e.g., go shopping or tend to errands.
  • You do want to remember that you are carrying the Blessed Sacrament and attending to the business of the Lord so if you meet someone, you do want to smile and greet your neighbor, but you want to be careful about stopping and engaging in a long conversation. Use your good judgment!

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