
Welcome to the Ministry of Greeter

“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” (Luke 1: 41-42)

God gives gifts or charisms to each one of us to give to others, to build up the kingdom of God. A greeter has been given special abilities to make their ministry effective and build up the body of Christ.

In Christ, you have received God’s unconditional love, and, in Christ, you are called to extend that same unconditional love to others. The ministry of greeting is perhaps one of the most crucial in the church because it is one of the most visible. It is a ministry vital to the saving work of the church.

First impressions are often lasting impressions. When a person steps into a church for the first time, he or she evaluates the atmosphere. He asks himself: “Will they accept me? Will it be easy to make friends? Will my spiritual and personal needs be met? Will it be easy to find my way around? Will my family like it here?”

Members of Sacred Heart should be made to feel that it does make a difference that he/she is there and that someone is happy to see them.

Your willingness to serve as Greeter, reflects not only response to your Baptismal call to serve the people of God, but a commitment to Christ as you share in the welcoming, teaching and leading aspects of the church. You offer hospitality! Your willingness to commit to a schedule, to prepare properly for your service and to arrive on time dressed appropriately for your assigned Mass, further reflects that commitment.

Once trained and commissioned in this ministry, you will be given an identifying Greeter badge. Wear this badge humbly for it signifies that you have accepted the awesome privilege of welcoming and being for others a representative of a welcoming gracious, God!

God bless your efforts!


Ministry Information


  • A loving heart and a welcoming spirit
  • A practicing Catholic of faith and prayer
  • A person who is dependable, responsible, and flexible
  • A person who has the gift of hospitality, service, or evangelization

General Responsibilities

  • At Sacred Heart, at every regularly scheduled Weekend Mass and at Masses offered during the Christmas and Easter Season, the Ministry of Greeter is an important and valued ministry.
  • The role of the Greeter is one of offering a friendly welcoming presence to those coming to worship and answering any questions they might have about the liturgy or the parish. If greeters are unable to answer questions, they find the answers or re-direct inquiries to the appropriate help or service.
  • Committing oneself to ongoing faith and ministry formation is essential in being an effective minister, regardless of the ministry. Attend workshops, classes, retreats, and small Christian communities to help you grow in your own faith.


Responsibilities Before Mass

  • On the day you are assigned to serve as a greeter it is appropriate and a good practice to develop the habit of taking time to prepare for your service with quiet prayer and if possible, a reflective reading of Scripture.
  • Plan on arriving about 20 minutes before Mass starts.
  • Be familiar with current events in the parish.
  • Wear your Greeter Badge so that it is visible to all those coming to worship.
  • Warmly greet people coming to Mass and answer any questions they might have about the parish or the Mass itself.
  • Be aware of new parishioners and visitors. Give out the “Overview of the Mass” to those of other denominations who would like to participate and follow the Liturgy more closely.
  • Handout music or other materials as is needed or requested.


Responsibilities After Mass

Attend coffee hour, if possible, and introduce new people to the community.


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