Sacristans serve the assembly by preparing all the physical elements needed for the Mass. They prepare the vessels for the Eucharistic Liturgy, put out appropriate quantities of bread and wine, assist the Presider and other ministers in vesting, ensure that the books are properly placed, ensure that there are enough Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers and Altar Servers, and clean the vessels after they have been purified.
Your willingness to serve as a Sacristan, reflects not only a response to your Baptismal call to serve the people of God, but a commitment to Christ as you share in the sacramental, teaching and leading aspects of the church. Your attentiveness to detail and flexibility during the celebration is a further indication of your commitment to this important ministry which enables and prepares for all other liturgical ministries.
Once trained and commissioned in this ministry, you will be scheduled on a rotation basis to serve at the Mass you have indicated. Accept this position humbly as you have the awesome privilege of preparing for the Supper of the Lord.
God bless your efforts!
Ministry Information
At Sacred Heart Parish, parishioners are invited to serve in the Ministry of Sacristan through a process of discernment which considers the important responsibility, the need for flexibility and dependability, and the ability to collaborate with other liturgical ministers. Although Sacristans are not limited in terms of service, all liturgical ministers are asked to always reflect on their own fruitfulness and faithfulness in their ministry.
General Responsibilities
At Sacred Heart Parish, parishioners are invited to serve in the Ministry of Sacristan through a process of discernment which considers the important responsibility, the need for flexibility and dependability, and the ability to collaborate with other liturgical ministers. Although Sacristans are not limited in terms of service, all liturgical ministers are asked to always reflect on their own fruitfulness and faithfulness in their ministry.
Responsibilities Before Mass
Responsibilities After Mass
Purification of Chalices and Patens
(This is done by the celebrant or deacon at the altar; sacristans are no longer responsible for purification of sacred vessels. These instructions are for information only.)
Washing of the Sacred Vessels
General Cleanup
Special Masses and Liturgies
Ash Wednesday
You may be asked to assist with the distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday. If you are assigned to assist in one of the Ash Wednesday services, you should check in at the sacristy and determine from the Celebrant, where you will be located to distribute the ashes and what script you will use: "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel", or "Remember, you are dust and to dust you will return." You mark each person’s forehead with the sign of the cross with your thumb while saying one of the scripts. Be sure to wash your hands after administering the ashes.
Special Feast Days
You may be asked to assist with the blessing of throats on the Feast of St. Blaise. If you are assigned to assist at one of the services, you should follow the directions given for Ash Wednesday and use the appropriate script when giving the blessing.
Baptism during Mass
Funeral Mass
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